A study Canadian modern conducted by researchers from McGill University for new results will make the early detection of breast cancer is possible, and after that they began to develop a new test is inexpensive completely and is very simple, and can be used by doctors in their clinics for the detection of the disease.
The findings come in a recent study published the journal "Molecular & Cellular Proteomics", and the number issued in the fifth month of April, and the Canadian Institute for Health Research supported this study financially.
The early detection of breast cancer is important and very vital, as it is whenever the detection early the greater the chances of treatment and treatment of disease, and increased the number of years, which keeps the patient alive after infection, and also that the high incidence of breast cancer, which affects about one woman out of every eight women, making the development of a new test is imperative.
The researchers were able, through careful examination using the latest microscopes for the group of 32 blood protein that's one of ten healthy people, and seventeen people were injured in one of the types of breast cancers resulting from the imbalance in the estrogen receptor.
The researchers found a specific set of 6 of the proteins is considered the true expression of confirmed breast cancer, and elaborate manner that leaves no room for doubt among people with breast cancer and healthy people, the study emphasized that these results will benefit greatly and clinical of the disease and will help both patients The doctors are amazing.
The researchers began already to take initial steps to develop a new test and simple for early detection of breast cancer from inside the doctors' offices, using one drop of blood, including sing about the need for the traditional means of detecting breast cancer using a technique mammogram, which caused discomfort for many patients and protect them from repeated exposure to X-rays in addition to being expensive.