A security source announced on Monday, hand-made bomb on Sunday night, in front of the headquarters branch of the Ministry of Administration Greek near the center of Athens, resulting in considerable material damage. The blast occurred in front of the headquarters, causing a fire caused losses on the ground floor of the building, and a car was parked in close proximity to the source added.
Attacks and improvised several hand-made in Greece, and police attributed to the chaotic stream of local, active currently, to protest the austerity imposed on the country in exchange for international loans. Often these attacks targeted public buildings, banks, diplomatic missions and foreign companies.
At the end of February, adopted the "February 12 movement," which indicates its name to the date of approval of Parliament to demand austerity measures creditors of the country (the EU and the IMF), trying to attack an improvised explosive hand-made in the Athens Metro, for the first time. The Minister Dimitris Reppas Administration, recently a series of measures to reduce the number of staff, as requested by the creditors of the country.