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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hacker steals Defense Contract for the Chinese government

Deployment of hacker calling himself "Charlie Hardcore" thousands of internal documents of one of the major companies in China, which alleged he obtained from penetrating through the import and export company China National "Saak."

The company Saak largest Chinese state holds contracts for defense, ranging from documents between internal working memoranda to the data on the movements of the U.S. Army, including information on U.S. efforts in the war on Afghanistan, in the words of a hacker.

And dissemination of a hacker - and according to one Internet news sites for information - These files contain two parts, the first of which 78.277 MB of documents and the second 03.228 MB and upload them to the site hosting the files.

By viewing the initial files difficult to ascertain their validity and reliability, which pays to study all of the files published to reach a confirmation or denial final, and describes the hacker himself as a man in the forties of age and live in a country close to the United States of America and tendencies of political has, however, the company is interested in Chinese
Which was able to penetrate the files on U.S. military operations and added that he plans to penetrate other Chinese companies.