Wounded more than half a million Macintosh computers around the world, a new virus called "flashback."
The company warned, "Dr. Web" Russian specialized in information security from the spread of the virus and infected more than 600 thousand a computer, to Egndha within a network to control the remote collectively.
The share of the United States from infected machines 57 per cent, also arrived in Canada to 20 per cent.
And impersonating a virus "flashback" impersonating the installation program operator "Adobe Flash", turning recently to take advantage of a loophole in the "Java", forcing the company "Apple" to develop the update to avoid a gap "Java" mentioned.
And fall of HIV infection when visiting suspicious sites require software installation or provide a password to update the flash, where the virus after planting tools, especially in programs for the withdrawal of passwords and personal information.
Manning and virus infected machines that have been harnessed to penetrate in piracy attacks and penetrate and send e-mail spam.
Read the original article on the electronic gate delegation delegation - hit half a million computer virus "flashback"