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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Olive oil protects against stroke

A study Argentine modern, conducted by researchers at the Institute "Basantia" to 7 thousand people, that olive oil protects against the incidence of stroke and protects the liver, especially those who are over 65 years, in order to contain acid "oleic", this fatty acid is saturated in oil olive, who is also resistant to the development of cancer cells.

Integrated results of that study with a scientific study conducted by researchers at the University "and Rthusturn" in the city of Chicago on the effect of oleic acid to protect the body's cells from becoming cancerous cells, which were divided people in the first study into two groups, the first of them do not use olive oil in food only rarely, and the second is the olive oil is an integral part of their diet daily, was less vulnerable to ischemic stroke by 41% compared to the first set.

The second study was conducted on a group of mice after injection of tumor cells in mouse breast oleic acid, which showed decline in the proportion of oncogenes about 46% through the process of turning the body's cells to cancer cells.