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Friday, May 11, 2012

Afghan leaders are showing a new challenge in their dealings with the United States

Saw the newspaper "Washington Post" on Friday, the U.S., there are new challenges that are looming on the horizon by the Afghan military leaders, especially in light of the continued refusal of the night raids, which seeks their American counterparts NATO, "NATO" for ratification.

And see them demonstrated in the newspaper report reported last night, on its website, that the leaders refused to Aeksriyn Afghans - more than a dozen times over the past two months - to cooperate with the intelligence that carried out by U.S. forces on the rebels, and launch operations of night raids against them.

The newspaper said that "things went beyond that, and went to the Afghan leaders to exploit the new powers, especially with the approach of the withdrawal of U.S. forces and handed absolute power over the country to establish security and the protection of civilians, using its veto against the operations proposed by the NATO troops to their peers."

The newspaper pointed out, that in the past decade was the NATO leaders are putting a strategy of war and of night raids, while the military leaders Afghans play a marginal role, but after signing a joint agreement between America and Afghanistan last month, the Afghan forces are responsible for night raids, which The critical path in the war effort.

The newspaper pointed out that Afghan leaders consider their decisions counter to NATO leaders, a reflection of the autonomy Afghan in the face of Western forces, and to demonstrate that the Afghan forces ready to take extreme caution, as other foreign forces, when it comes to risk the lives of civilians.